How real steroids work on metabolism?


Right at the beginning of this article I want to say two important things:


I'm not a scientist! The information in this article is not the product of any specific scientific research on the topic of fat melting mechanism. I am a fitness trainer who trains dozens of people every day with the aim of improving their appearance, health and fitness, but also a trainer who works every day on their professional development (reading books and professional articles, reviewing professional DVDs, attending seminars and giving own lectures) . Real steroids for sale in USA have huge impact on your body and more people trying steroids nowadays. And all this with one simple goal: To better understand the processes that take place in the body under the influence of training and nutrition. Health benefits of exercise are huge.

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Although I have made an effort to make the information presented here as reliable as possible (and I personally firmly believe in it at the moment - otherwise I would not even present it), no one can say that he is the smartest in the world and has all the answers - and neither do I. !! Therefore, I expect you to "employ your brainwaves" and assess for yourself whether the information presented to you seems to be of good quality and based on common sense. If so - great! Apply them and expect good results. If not - great again! Keep going according to your beliefs and no one will be angry with you… :)

I think that's fair of me. And now, if you are ready, we can take action…


What is the mechanism of fat melting?

In short, it is a theory that body fat is best burned during long-term activities of medium intensity. Specifically, we are talking about activities (running, cycling, etc.) that take place at 120-150 heartbeats / minute, lasting 30 or more minutes. Why 30 or more minutes? Because the mechanism of fat melting (as the theory says) - does not turn on before that limit but only after it!


But despite the fact that millions of people around the world still believe in this theory and train according to it, I will openly say that I do not agree with it and that I consider it - completely wrong! And here's why…


Following the latest findings in the field of exercise physiology, we come to an incredible piece of information that says: The lower the intensity of the activity, the higher the proportion of melted fat. The higher the activity, the lower the proportion of melted fat! Paradoxically, isn't it? (By the way, I have already talked about this briefly in one of my earlier articles).


However, when you think about it a little better, it really isn’t. Namely, when you sit at home and watch TV (a very low-intensity activity), the demand for energy delivery to your muscles and organs is very small - so the body will supply the necessary energy from fat. This process goes quite slowly, but since you just sit and do nothing the body will have enough time to break down fats and convert them into energy. In other words, you are in the best "fat melting zone". The only problem is that with such an activity you will burn a miserable few calories, which I believe is clear to everyone…


On the other hand, when you are e.g. on the athletic track and running 400 or 800 meters at the fastest possible pace, the demand for energy delivery to your muscles and organs is - extremely high! Precisely because of this, the body will not choose to supply energy from fats (because this process is simply too slow) but will supply energy from carbohydrates, which goes much faster and easier.


(In a way, it’s like you’re very thirsty and have two options: drink water that’s 10m away or water that’s 1,000m away. Of course you’ll opt for the one that’s faster and easier for you to access ) In such a situation, the body is not even close to the "fat melting zone", but therefore consumes an enormous amount of calories in a given time.



Forget calories and fat!

A recurring problem is that people are focused on the total number of calories they will burn in training, and on the fact that as much of those calories come from fat, so they persistently try to train in the "fat melting zone". And I’m telling you frankly: Don’t bother with the fat melting zone because it doesn’t matter at all how many calories you’ll burn in a workout, much less how many of them will come from fat! I know this seems to contradict everything you’ve heard or read so far, but it really is! And to see for yourself, I will give you a clear, mathematical proof:



Imagine person A who is focused on the total number of calories consumed and decides to run for 60 minutes in the fat melting zone (this is therefore the previously mentioned range of 120 to 150 heart rate / minute). In those 60 minutes, the person spent e.g. 500 kcal, of which 50% came from fat (meaning 250 kcal). The future person did not train intensely enough - he did not produce any metabolic stimulus (which is very important)! Therefore, in the remaining 23 hours a day, the basal metabolism will consume e.g. 100 kcal / hour, of which 75% will come from fat. When we calculate all this we get the following: 23h x 100 kcal = 2,300 kcal x 0.75 = 1,725 ​​kcal from fat. To this we add those 250 from the training and we get that a person in one whole day (24 hours) consumed a total of 2,800 kcal, of which 1,975 came from fat (approximately 70%).


On the other hand, imagine person B who is not focused on the total number of calories consumed but on quality, integral training. That person will do 60 minutes of combined training that will include an intense weight training circuit (exercising the whole body) + a shorter but more intense cardio workout. With such a combination, a person will consume (at a minimum) also 500 kcal, of which 25% will come from fat (meaning 125 kcal, or twice less than person A). But since she trained at a high intensity, person B produced enough metabolic stimulus (which is a key piece of information throughout this story) so she will consume 150 kcal / hour (basically 75% of which will come from fat) in the remaining 23 hours a day with basal metabolism. When we calculate all this we get the following: 23h x 150 kcal = 3,450 kcal x 0.75 = 2,587 kcal from fat. To this we add the 125 from the training and we get that a person in one whole day (24 hours) consumed a total of 3,950 kcal, of which 2,712 came from fat (also about 70%).



Therefore, we got two people who trained for the same amount of time (60 minutes), and who consumed the same amount of calories in the workout (500), but whose final result (after all 24 hours a day) - drastically different against 2,800 kcal - or 1,150 kcal difference)! And all this despite the fact that person A consumed more calories from fat than person B during the workout itself! I have found many studies about metabolism and many says that real steroids for sale will helps such roidspro offering.


However, the magic of quality total-body training, which produces enough metabolic stimulus, is just beginning! Namely, the difference between person A and person B is 737 kcal from fat - in just one single day! Now multiply that by e.g. 3 months (90 days) and we get an enormous difference of - 66,330 kcal! Do you know what the difference in kilograms is? A full 7 pounds straight from the fat! (7.37 kg to be exact)


Yes, you read that right. Person B in the same time period (90 days), with the same amount of training (60 minutes) consumed 7 kilograms of fat more than person A !! And all this without bothering at all with the mechanism of fat melting, the number of calories consumed, the proportion of fat in the calories consumed, etc. I call this the "fat melting zone"!


Therefore, the main conclusion I want to point out in this article is: Forget about the mechanism of fat melting because weight loss is not achieved during training - but hours after training! But only on condition that you have done quality training, which will serve as a "trigger" to speed up basal metabolism.



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